Thoughts - 1

Lil America food carts in Portland are O.P. So many good choices I need more stomachs. Speedo Cappuccino (vegan food) and Bake on the Run (Guayanese food) are particularly incredible

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Thoughts - 10

Criteria for excellent nachos: home made chips that stand up structurally, spicy salsa, sour cream and guacamole that don’t cost extra, black beans, well cooked and high quality meat (generally pork), cheese sauce that’s homemade and not chunky, bonus fun add-ons like coleslaw. Anti-features: beans that cost extra, no salsa, and cheese-wiz sauce.

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Thoughts - 12

The Paris Olympics 2024 opening ceremony should have included Michele Mouton doing donuts around the Arc de Triompthe in a Peugeot 205 T16. Now that’s French excellence. And a Daft Punk + Justice finale performance.

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Thoughts - 13

Love the irony of a parking lot full of idling cars and trucks waiting to get their emissions and exhaust quality readings taken. Create pollution to check for pollution levels?!

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Thoughts - 14

People who talk on the phone on public transit are the worst. Pick up, tell the person you’ll call them back when you get off. Done.

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Thoughts - 2

Been really digging the Spotify AI DJ feature lately, it does ~5 songs in a row of a particular genre or theme, then the funny-accented (Polish + NJ?) AI voice tells you what type of songs are coming up next and why. Like a pretty personalized radio station.

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