Spotify Irritations
To continue today’s theme of bitching about perfectly good things, I turn my attention to Spotify…
- why can’t I organize playlists? why can’t I at least view them in alphabetical order?
- I shouldn’t have to save an album to download it (cache it) to my mobile phone
- where did the queue and play history go? Those were useful, bring them back
- it would be especially cool if I could change the content of the right “social” panel to display the queue and play history…
- why can’t I collapse sections of the left panel (mainly local media…)?
- Spotify (desktop client) should merge the top menu bar and search bar into one, the top border and menus are just way too fat
- why can’t I search within a playlist? or filter anything? at least I can sort, but that’s not enough.
- from the desktop client (or web client), why can’t I tell my mobile phone to start caching an album/playlist/etc.? would be super nice to initiate this download from the client I’m currently using, rather than having to dig my phone out and re-navigate to what I want to cache…
- EDIT: why is finding the option to automatically download/cache “Saved” albums to a mobile device so hard? (Walkthrough on how to do it here)
- can we get some more genres in the Browse “Genres and Moods” section please? Hardcore, Trance, split Indie and Alternative…
- feature request: seamless playback when connecting a mobile phone to a specific wireless network
- specifically, when my mobile phone comes within range of my home network, begin playing the song I’m currently listening to on the Spotify instance attached to my home stereo. This way I can take my headphones out and keep hearing the same song, at the same place, out of my home stereo. Might have to play the song temporarily out of both devices to ease hand-off…